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| Reading |

The Ten Thousand Doors of January: #MonthlyTitles book review

Author: Alix E. Harrow Genre: Fantasy; Historical Fiction; Bildungsroman  Publisher: Orbit Year: 2019 Rating: Where do I start? When I started this book, I was a bit sceptical, as I always am when reading fantasy. I just wanted it to be good. And it was good, it just lacked something….


| Reading |

Where Decay Sleeps: book review

Author: Anna Cheung Genre: Gothic; Horror; Poetry Publisher: Haunt Publishing Year: 2021 Rating: The amazing Rebecca Wojturska, Managing Director and Editor of Haunt Publishing, very kindly provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review, so here it goes! Where Decay Sleeps is a dark,…


| Reading |

The Actuality: book review (Sandstone Press Book Tour)

Author: Paul Braddon Genre: Speculative fiction; Sci-fi; Dystopian fiction Publisher: Sandstone Press Year: 2021 Rating: I was kindly gifted a copy of Paul Braddon’s The Actuality and I am participating in the Sandstone Press book tour to celebrate its paperback publication! I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to finish…


| Eating |

‘Peaches and Cream’ Overnight Oats

Servings: 1 I’ve had this recipe ready to be published on the blog for a few weeks and then I forgot about it! Now, I think it’s already too late for nectarines to be in season, so you could adjust the main ingredient according to your preferences and taste! 🙂…


| Reading |

Death’s Edge: book review (SmashBear Publishing Book Tour)

Author: John Ortega Genre: Urban fantasy Publisher: SmashBear Publishing Year: September 2021 Rating: Thank you so much, SmashBear Publishing for kindly providing me with the eBook copy of Death’s Edge and for inviting me to be part of the book tour for this great read! Wow, what a journey! This is an amazing book,…


| Exploring |

Trip to Dublin – Part I

This is the first post in the ‘Exploring’ category of my blog, so I am a bit nervous to share a new topic with you. But I’m glad I chose my trip to Dublin to be the first one – it was a dream! So welcoming and lively, I never…


| Reading |

The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair: book review

Original title: La Vérité sur l’affaire Harry Quebert Author: Joël Dicker Genre: Crime, Thriller Publisher: Quercus Publishing Year: 2014 Rating: I read this book a few years ago when I was still living in Spain and read it in Spanish, hence the Spanish cover of the paperback. I wrote my…


| Eating |

Beetroot Energy Balls

Makes: 12 balls Beetroot in a sweet snack? An unusual combination but it works! The earthy flavour of the beetroot combines perfectly with the natural sweetness of the dates and the hint of coconut gives these bites a subtle tropical tang. I had to experiment a few times to reach…


| Eating | Exploring | Reading |

Why Owls, Bees and Reading?

In order to celebrate the first milestone of Owl.Bee.Reading – we reached 100 followers on Instagram! – I decided the time has come for some explanation. Sure, for many bookstagrammers having 100 people following them is not a lot but to me it means a lot. So, a massive THANK…


| Reading |

The Innocents by C.A. Asbrey: book review

Author: C.A. Asbrey Genre: Historical Fiction; Mystery Publisher: CreateSpace Publishing Year: April 2018 Rating: A couple of years ago I received a copy of this book by the author via Booktasters in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, Booktasters and C.A. Asbrey, for the amazing read! The Innocents is…


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