

Trip to Dublin – Part I

This is the first post in the ‘Exploring’ category of my blog, so I am a bit nervous to share a new topic with you. But I’m glad I chose my trip to Dublin to be the first one – it was a dream! So welcoming and lively, I never…


Eating Exploring Reading

Why Owls, Bees and Reading?

In order to celebrate the first milestone of Owl.Bee.Reading – we reached 100 followers on Instagram! – I decided the time has come for some explanation. Sure, for many bookstagrammers having 100 people following them is not a lot but to me it means a lot. So, a massive THANK…


Eating Exploring Reading

Let’s talk about…

New Beginnings… Starting this blog was something I’ve put aside for far too long but when I found myself with a lot of free time on my hands during lockdown, I decided I shouldn’t procrastinate anymore and finally get to it. I love the start of something new: there’s always…


Eating Exploring Reading

Welcome to my personal space!

We all know the famous meme with the astronaut saying ‘I need space’ and it has both literal and figurative meaning. It couldn’t be more accurate in my case. While I am crazy about space and cosmos, astronomy, stars and planets (a little bit about this passion of mine – in a separate post), I…