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| Reading |

The Innocents by C.A. Asbrey: book review

Author: C.A. Asbrey Genre: Historical Fiction; Mystery Publisher: CreateSpace Publishing Year: April 2018 Rating: A couple of years ago I received a copy of this book by the author via Booktasters in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, Booktasters and C.A. Asbrey, for the amazing read! The Innocents is…


| Eating |

Banana-Coconut Pancakes with Tahini Drizzle

Servings: 1 Who doesn’t love pancakes? A classic recipe but there are so many varieties and everyone can pretty much adjust it to their liking. I used to have a recipe for fluffy pancakes which I followed for years but there was something wrong with it because the batter was…


| Eating |

Apple-Cinnamon Porridge with Raisins and Seeds

Servings: 1 Porridge – the ultimate comfort breakfast food! I don’t think I will ever get bored of eating porridge, there are just so many variations to make it. You can experiment with pretty much everything: the type of your oats, what you put inside and the toppings, the best…


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Lovely Books About Love

Love is in the air. Along with all the craziness. I absolutely support people celebrating love – whether it’s Valentine’s day or Galentine’s Day, LGBTQ+ love or self-love or whatever name we give to the celebration of love – but when this time of the year comes people start to…


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What I read in January

I know I’m a bit late to the party with these, because January is finally over after 743 days, but hey, who wouldn’t like some book recommendations no matter the season? Over the years I’ve come to despise this ‘New year, New me’ mindset. Why wait for the new year…


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The Abyss Within – A SmashBear Anthology: book review

Author: Various Genre: Anthology; Horror Publisher: SmashBear Publishing Year: October 2020 Rating: I am so happy that my blog is the first stop of the book tour for The Abyss Within, an amazing anthology of horrifying tales published by SmashBear Publishing. They specialise in urban fantasy, fantasy, and paranormal romance. This is one of the…


| Eating | Exploring | Reading |

Let’s talk about…

New Beginnings… Starting this blog was something I’ve put aside for far too long but when I found myself with a lot of free time on my hands during lockdown, I decided I shouldn’t procrastinate anymore and finally get to it. I love the start of something new: there’s always…


| Eating | Exploring | Reading |

Welcome to my personal space!

We all know the famous meme with the astronaut saying ‘I need space’ and it has both literal and figurative meaning. It couldn’t be more accurate in my case. While I am crazy about space and cosmos, astronomy, stars and planets (a little bit about this passion of mine – in a separate post), I…


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