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When Other People Saw Us, They Saw the Dead: book review

Author: Various; edited by Lauren T. Davila Genre: Horror, Gothic Anthology Publisher: Haunt Publishing Year: May 2022 Rating: This is the second title I receive from one of my favourite publishers—Haunt Publishing—in exchange for an honest review, and I was so excited for the spooky season because of it! When…


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What I read in January

I know I’m a bit late to the party with these, because January is finally over after 743 days, but hey, who wouldn’t like some book recommendations no matter the season? Over the years I’ve come to despise this ‘New year, New me’ mindset. Why wait for the new year…


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The Abyss Within – A SmashBear Anthology: book review

Author: Various Genre: Anthology; Horror Publisher: SmashBear Publishing Year: October 2020 Rating: I am so happy that my blog is the first stop of the book tour for The Abyss Within, an amazing anthology of horrifying tales published by SmashBear Publishing. They specialise in urban fantasy, fantasy, and paranormal romance. This is one of the…


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