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#ClassicandContemporary book challenge: June

#ClassicandContemporary book challenge:Fahrenheit 451 and Klara and the Sun Klara and the Sun Author: Kazuo Ishiguro Genre: Dystopia, Science Fiction Publisher: Faber & Faber Year: March 2021 Rating: With Klara and the Sun, we’re already halfway through the #ClassicandContemporary reading challenge! Still more to come, still many books to read,…


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#ClassicandContemporary book challenge: February

#ClassicandContemporary book challenge: David Copperfield and The Fair Botanists The Fair Botanists Author: Sara Sheridan Genre: Historical Fiction Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton Year: August 2021 Rating: I’ll cut straight to the point: you need to read The Fair Botanists! This exquisite piece of historical fiction quickly became one of my…


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